Friday 27 September 2013

The Abstruse behind Breast Implants

A breast implant is an artificial apparatus that can be used to increase the size of a woman’s breast for various reasons. Mostly for cosmetic purposes or reconstruction of the breast is done through this process. There are two principle types of implants performed on breast:
Saline filled implants: These types of implants have a silicone elastometer covering which is instilled with sterile saline solution.
Silicone gel implants:   These kinds of breast implants have a silicone covering filled with thick silicone gel.
Surgeries performed to augment the breast normally require one to two hours. Among the various categories of implants in breast, the popular ones include the incision type and implant pocket placement.
Further types of implants included in these are:
Incision types: Implants placed through different types of incisions:
Inframammary: A preferred technique for silicone gel implant, the method can leave a scar on the breast. An incision is made below the level of breast in the infra-mammary fold and the implant is placed in it.
Periareolar: This is a good procedure for breast lifting and the incision is made on the areolar space.
Transaxillary: No scars are visible near the breast region in this procedure because the incision is made in the armpit area.
Transumbilical: A less preferred technique, the incision here is made in the navel area. Though the placement of implant is difficult in this procedure but there are no visible scars in this procedure.
Transabdominoplasty: The implant is inserted in the breast from the abdomen and can be placed during the abdominoplasty procedures.

Implant pocket placement: Implant material placed by involving the pectoralis major muscle include:
Subglandular: The implant is placed in between the breast tissue and the pectoralis major muscle. The procedure gives aesthetic results but sometimes wrinkles and ripples develop due to the underlying implant.
Subfascial: This implant is also conducted in the subglandular position but beneath the fascia. The fascia helps to sustain the implant.
Subpectoral: The implant is placed below the pectoralis muscle after detaching the lower muscular connections.
Submuscular: The technique is mostly used for maximum coverage because it utilizes the disconnection of lateral wall muscles which are then stitched into the pectoralis muscle.

Up till now, thousands of women have complained that they have got ill from implants. Most severe complains include the neurological and rheumatological difficulties. After certain time period, many women can develop systemic diseases and autoimmune disorders. Silicone gel leakages also occur in women and can result in fibromyalgia. Capsular contracture, rupture, scarring, chronic pain, implant extrusion and tissue necrosis are some more problems reported when implants are performed on breast. Platinum leakages from the breast implants can also cause toxicity in the body. Implants of breast done after mastectomy do not develop cancer later in life. However, these all findings are reported on small groups. To declare an association between the Seattle breast implants and these diseases, extensive studies on the health and social status of women are yet to be done.